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Performer Willis is a multi-talented entertainer who delights his audiences with a wide repetoire of juggling variety acts. Blending humour and high-energy juggling with his unique style, he has fascinated crowds from Singapore and countries such as China, Hong Kong, India and Malaysia. Experience the wonder and excitement as Willis brings entertainment to a whole new level!


Willis has been featured on various media platforms in Singapore, including the biggest Mandarin newspaper:  

“Willis is a professional performer who captivates his audience.” - Lian He Zao Bao, 04 November 2012

“ Watching his skilled performance on stage, it is hard to believe that he mastered the skills through watching videos online.” - Lian He Zao Bao, 26 May 2014

Willis’ skills include balls and clubs juggling, crystal ball manipulation, diabolo, yo-yo, poi spinning, hoops and rings manipulation. He can  customise his shows from a 3-minute silent variety act to a 45-minute comedy juggling show to cater to the client's needs. His family-friendly shows are suitable for all events, making him a favourite with event companies and producers.

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